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Academy History
Academy history
1992 - 2024


1992 - "Interbusiness" LLC was founded, founders: Mikheil Manasheridze, Inga Manasheridze.


1992 - "Interbusiness" LLC multi-professional medical school was founded.


1995 - Cooperation with the Asaf Harofe Medical Center School of Medicine at the University of Jerusalem began.


1995 - Art and Show business academy of "Interbusiness" LLC company was founded.


1997 - started cooperation with German city. Hannover Maxillofacial Medical University


1997 - Opened its own dental clinic-base of "Interbusiness" LLC. License OEB No. 00659.


2000 - Under license No. 01-17- 08/80 8 of the Ministry of Education of Georgia, dated May 22, 2000, "Interbusiness" Ltd. Institute of Dentistry started functioning with a one-level educational program specializing in dentistry.


2003 - The name of Tamar Mamistvalov-Kezerashvili, a famous Georgian-Israeli writer, literateur and translator, was awarded to the Institute of Dentistry and Multi-Professional Medical School of "Interbusiness" LLC, and a currency scholarship named after him was established for outstanding students.


2004 - the higher education institution moved to the European teaching standards.


2005 - Institutional accreditation No. 2-19207 was awarded to the higher education institution.


2007 - the higher educational institution carries out the educational process in its own building of European standards.


2008 - the higher education institution operates under the name "Interbusiness Academy".


2011 - cooperation with Ariel University (Israel) began.


2012 - "Interbusiness Academy" was granted the status of a professional educational institution (community college) for a period of 5 years.


2012 - was granted the authority to additionally implement the 3rd level professional educational programs of information technologist, event organizer and nurse's assistant.


2012 - the school passed program accreditation


2013 - "Interbusiness Academy" is a founding partner of the Association of Private Colleges of Georgia.


2013 - the school passed program accreditation


2013 - A mutual cooperation agreement was signed between Ariel University (Israel) and "Interbusiness Academy" LLC on the implementation of joint bachelor's programs "Business Administration" and "Informatics".


2014 - was granted the status of a higher educational institution and the authority to implement professional educational programs, according to the decision #28 of the Council for the Authorization of Higher Educational Institutions on November 20.


2015 - Since 2015, it has been implementing the "State Program of Vocational Training and Qualification of Job Seekers".


2016 - Awarded 5 branding stars.


2016 - was awarded the title of the best partner of the social service agency of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Georgia "for special cooperation and promotion of employment, for promotion of the implementation of the state program of professional training and qualification of job seekers".


2017 - Awarded 5 branding stars.


2018 - was granted the status of a professional educational institution (community college). According to the decision #79 of the session of the authorization board of the professional educational institution dated May 8.


2019 - By the decision N57 of March 19, the Authorization Council of Vocational Educational Institutions authorized the additional implementation of three vocational educational programs;


2019 - The limit number of student places was increased by the decision N151 of the Vocational Educational Institutions Authorization Council on August 14.


2021 - two professional training programs were additionally approved by the orders of the director of the National Center for the Development of the Quality of Education of the National Center for the Development of Education Quality of Education N 665181 and N 665195 of July 02, 2021.


2022 - by the decision N136508 of February 11 of the Vocational Educational Institutions Authorization Council, the authority was granted to implement one additional vocational educational program.


2023 - The limit number of student places was increased by the decisions of the Vocational Educational Institutions Authorization Council of January 11 N 12581 and N 12583.
